blood pressure

  • The following is an episode list for the MTV animated television series Beavis and Butt-head. The series has its roots in 1992 when Mike Judge created two animated shorts – “Frog Baseball” and “Peace, Love & Understanding” – which were later aired on Liquid Television.
  • The pressure of the blood in the circulatory system, often measured for diagnosis since it is closely related to the force and rate of the heartbeat and the diameter and elasticity of the arterial walls
  • the pressure of the circulating blood against the walls of the blood vessels; results from the systole of the left ventricle of the heart; sometimes measured for a quick evaluation of a person’s health; “adult blood pressure is considered normal at 120/80 where the first number is the systolic
  • The hydrostatic force that blood exerts against the wall of a vessel.

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  • Have an effect on; make a difference to
  • the conscious subjective aspect of feeling or emotion
  • (of an illness) Attack or infect
  • have an effect upon; “Will the new rules affect me?”
  • Touch the feelings of (someone); move emotionally
  • involve: connect closely and often incriminatingly; “This new ruling affects your business”


  • Of great vertical extent
  • a lofty level or position or degree; “summer temperatures reached an all-time high”
  • (after a measurement and in questions) Measuring a specified distance from top to bottom
  • greater than normal in degree or intensity or amount; “a high temperature”; “a high price”; “the high point of his career”; “high risks”; “has high hopes”; “the river is high”; “he has a high opinion of himself”
  • at a great altitude; “he climbed high on the ladder”
  • Far above ground, sea level, or another point of reference


  • the entire structure of an organism (an animal, plant, or human being); “he felt as if his whole body were on fire”
  • A corpse
  • invest with or as with a body; give body to
  • The physical and mortal aspect of a person as opposed to the soul or spirit
  • a group of persons associated by some common tie or occupation and regarded as an entity; “the whole body filed out of the auditorium”; “the student body”; “administrative body”
  • The physical structure of a person or an animal, including the bones, flesh, and organs

how does high blood pressure affect the body

how does high blood pressure affect the body – Affect Regulation,

Affect Regulation, Mentalization, and the Development of Self
Affect Regulation, Mentalization, and the Development of Self
Winner of the 2003 Gradiva Award and the 2003 Goethe Award for Psychoanalytic Scholarship

Arguing for the importance of attachment and emotionality in the developing human consciousness, four prominent analysts explore and refine the concepts of mentalization and affect regulation. Their bold, energetic, and encouraging vision for psychoanalytic treatment combines elements of developmental psychology, attachment theory, and psychoanalytic technique. Drawing extensively on case studies and recent analytic literature to illustrate their ideas, Fonagy, Gergely, Jurist, and Target offer models of psychotherapy practice that can enable the gradual development of mentalization and affect regulation even in patients with long histories of violence or neglect.

my first death

my first death
as sure as death

Every living thing must one day encounter death. Maybe at a time in the future this may change, but for now that is the way. Some encounter it long before they’re due, depending on your belief system. By that i mean, some believe that a life is prewritten. That everything you do is what was planned for your life. What outsiders may view as an early demise, may not be. I can’t buy too much into that, as there are far too many decisions (by the second) that one can make to alter their life path. Some believe that your soul or spirit stays alive after the death of your physical being, and transcends into another realm (or sometimes not; ghosts). Some believe your soul comes back time after time, refilling another body and almost being surrounded by the same beings you had been, in your previous life. I’m not disputing whatever belief system that you adhere to, and am not going to get into what i believe. That’s way too much of a controversial subject. The one thing that seems certain to me, in all of this, is that nobody really knows what happens when a being dies. Every body has at some point in their life, thought about death. And almost as suredly have thought about their own demise. Without a doubt, everyone has experienced the loss of another and the hole that is left, as a result.

My father’s father died very early in his life, and mine. I don’t remember him at all. I do know that i’ve his first name as my middle name. I know of certain recollections my father passed along about him. That’s about it. My mother’s mother and father also went very early in my life. I have some vague memories of them. My first name is my grandfather’s first name. As kids we didn’t attend the funerals of any of these people. I have memories of my mother being torn apart, upon her mother’s passing. It was at a stage in my life that i could see something was wrong with her, but didn’t have a full grasp of the deepest feelings involved. I would have to believe that the passing of one’s grandparents is the usual first touch with death that children are exposed to. This rules out unusual circumstances that may take a parent, sibling or friend. Of course pets would also vie for that position, and could actually have a deeper sense of loss associated with them than that of a grandparent. All depends on your family upbringing. My father’s mother lived quite a long life and went sometime in her early 90’s. I’ve touched upon the fact that myself and brother and sister were all adopted, in a couple of earlier posts. All that i’m going to pass along now is that my father’s mother never really took to us kids, such that a grandmother should have. In her eyes my mother was not quite good enough for her son and thus we felt the shadowings of that. She wasn’t evil but, sometimes could be mean, without realising it. Anyway, i never grew that close to her. She passed away when i was in my teens, i believe, and i did attend her funeral. She was very religious in her beliefs and was quite involved with her local church. This being the case, her funeral was widely attended and of a great ritual. An ordeal for some. I didn’t feel a tremendous sense of loss on her passing. I could appreciate what it represented and how it affected others involved, but for me personally not of much consequence. My mother had a large family (9 brothers and sisters) and they were somewhat widespread around the country, thus, we didn’t see all of them that much. One of her sisters passed early on. I remember this being an incredibley painful experience for my mother. My mother was second oldest and her sister that passed was second youngest. The implications surrounding this were great. How could the younger pass earlier than the older, and the fact that my mother almost cared for her as childern, was chief in these. As i grew my exposure to death was limited. I remember in high school one of our classmates had commited suicide. Sadly, she wasn’t of the popular crowd and her death was met with the typical disparaging remarks that can come from teens. I remember thinking about it and it left some questions in my mind. But once again, the personnal loss to me, wasn’t that great. One of my freind’s friends had died in a car crash. I wasn’t super close to him but i definetly saw the effect it had on my friend. Other than that, i was sort of isolated from the experience of death for some time after that. I was tremondously lucky not to have encountered any conflicts or wars during my service in the U.S.M.C. and thus didn’t have to deal with death, via that awful game that man plays.

Upon getting out of the service i found a job at contract manufacturer. I stayed employed for 25 years till they closed the plant. During my time there, i met many a person. I wasn’t the type to just open up and spill my whole self to everybody that came along. I was friendly with mostly every person in the place, but really only grew close to a handful. Of them, only 2 or

Braxton’s testimony
This is my testimony as well as what GOD has revealed to me. I just want to tell what he has done for me throughout my life. This is my purpose for being here, to share the TRUTH about HIS POWER. There is absolutely nothing that happens by coincidence, it’s all part of the MASTER plan. I can take no credit for this, because all the credit is due to GOD who gave it. We are only saved from this sinful world by GOD’S GRACE. Only the blood sacrifice that the LORD JESUS CHRIST paid for us will free us from the bottomless pit of destruction. HE is SALVATION, praise HIS HOLY NAME! Please read this entire text that’s being presented to you, I know that it will help many who want to gain knowledge about the TRUTH. We all go through painful times in this life. We must all grow from these painful moments, if not then we will fade. I’ve had many close encounters with death in my life, more than I can count on my hands. GOD has pulled me through it for a reason, for HIS very reason I’m here. I had a rough journey, just as many of us do. There was intense violence that surrounded me. I was born into a poisonous environment. From the moment I took my first breath out there I started breathing in poisonous toxic fumes of pain.

I’ve noticed something about the vicious cycle of pain; it comes from the external environment, it invades your internal mind. All the pain can be traced back to the fall, Genesis 3: 6; this is where mankind chose self-will over GOD’S-WILL. This is the exact verse where the choice of disobedience was made. This is where they listened to a liar; thinking they could be as gods was the lie, there is only 1 GOD. This was the birth of pain, which leads to the pain of birth; this is the world pain cycle, such a vicious cycle that repeats it-self constantly while the pain grows so very intense. This is why people today have false expectations of perfection. There is only 1 who is PERFECT and it is in fact the LORD.

I had a cerebral aneurysm the size of a golf ball rupture on the left side of my brain when I was only 8 years old. It’s not common for a child at such a young age to have an aneurysm. There was a lot of fighting that went on between my mother and father that was devastating to my mental state. I remember just lying in bed crying; I cried so hard and it put much pressure on my head, I believe that this pressure is what caused the aneurysm to form. It’s that outer pain from the outside world that leads to the inner pain that we must battle within constantly. I’ve had to deal with the pain for so long; both mental pain, as well as physical pain has affected me tremendously throughout my life.

It’s a miracle that I’m here sharing this information with you now, this is certainly TRUTH. According to the doctor’s I had less than a 10% chance of surviving the aneurysm. They ask my parents if they wanted them to proceed with the surgery, they ask them several times if they were sure. The doctors proceeded with the operation, thinking that it wasn’t going to be successful. There is tremendous power in prayer, I am so very thankful that I had those who loved me so very much and prayed to GOD for help.

After hours passing by, a doctor came out and told my mother that during the operation there was a massive amount of blood that was blocking them from seeing where to clip the vein. He said that suddenly then the blood ceased just in time for him to be able to clip the vein. I had survived the surgery. God had kept me here to spread this testimony to all who are reading this text. Absolutely nothing happens by coincidence, it is all part of HIS MASTER PLAN.

The doctors said that the aneurysm seeped blood onto the left side of my brain, which caused paralysis on the right side of my body. They said that it also damaged the area of my brain that controlled short term memory and comprehension. They said that I would never walk again, and that I would never graduate high school. Thank GOD that it’s not up to man to decide what happens! When I got out of intensive care, my loved ones were trying to get me to move my right leg. They repeatedly ask me over and over to move my right leg. Miraculously GOD gave me the strength, and I slightly was able to move it. I could only do this thanks to the AWESOME POWER of GOD!

My mother went to tell the doctors that I had moved my right leg. They told her that she was just imagining me moving my leg, and that there was no way that I was actually moving it. She brought the doctors to the room, ask me to move it again, and through the POWER of GOD I was able to move my leg again. I had to go through many years of intense physical therapy, and I haven’t regained it all back; but I’m so thankful for what I do have, it’s only possible through GOD. I have fine-motor skill damage on my right side, but I have a SPIRITUAL healing from within.

Most people, who have a brain aneurysm rupture and survive, stay in the hospital for a long time if not the re

how does high blood pressure affect the body

The Cultural Politics of Emotion
In “The Cultural Politics of the Emotions,” Sara Ahmed develops a new methodology for reading “the emotionality of texts.” She offers analyses of the role of emotions in debates on international terrorism, asylum and migration, and reconciliation and reparation, and reflects on the role of emotions in feminist and queer politics. Of interest to readers in gender studies and cultural studies, the psychology and sociology of emotions, and phenomenology and psychoanalysis, “The Cultural Politics of the Emotions” offers new ways of thinking about our inner and our outer lives.